Central Iowa Water Garden Association
Who can join?
Membership shall be open to any individual without regard to race, creed, national origin, or sex, who shall agree to associate and who shall agree to tender membership dues as specified in the governing document.
Dues are payable January of each year and are delinquent April of each year. These dues entitle each member to participate in all pond club activities.
Membership Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member. Please print a copy of the following application and submit it along with your annual dues. Dues are $10.00 per person per year.
Please make your check payable to:
Central Iowa Water Garden Association
Mail to:
Judy Anderson
5985 NW 61st Ave.
Johnston, IA 50131
Volunteer Opportunities
Please check as many as you like. Your help is greatly appreciated.
___I’d like to place my water garden on a tour
___I’d like to help with a garden tour
___I’d like to help with a program
___I’d like to be a speaker
___I’d like to host a summer meeting
___I’d like to bring treats for a winter meeting
___Other ways I would like to help________________________________________