Central Iowa Water Garden Association
2014 Calendar of meetings and events.
As we plan and schedule speakers for 2014 we caution you to pay close attention to dates & time as it was necessary to make changes this year to accommodateour various locations. We look forward to seeing you this year.
Tuesday, Jan. 21st, 7p-9p
Location: Des Moines Botanical Garden
Enter through the West doors
Speaker: Kelly Norris, Horticulture Manager
“We are a Garden Now: Building a Botanical Garden for Des Moines”
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 7p-9p
Location: Des Moines Botanical Garden
Enter through the West doors.
Speaker:Mike McCurnin, Director Water Production, Des Moines Water Works
“Garden Runoff and its Effects on our Drinking Water”
Monday, March 17th, 7:30p-9p
Location: Urbandale Public Library
Speaker: Ellen & Myron Kloubec
Kloubec Koi Farm, Amana, IA
Monday, April 21st, 7:30p-9p
Location: Urbandale Public Library
It’s Spring: Time to Wake Up Our Ponds
Monday, May 19th, 6:30p-9p
Location: Marge & Steve Drahaus’ garden
918 se Peterson Dr. Ankeny
Bring your favorite salad for a salad and sandwich dinner. Drinks and sandwiches provided.
Speaker: the Soil Kitchen
It’s Spring: Time to Wake up and Feed Our Gardens
Monday, June 16th, 6:30p-9p
Location: TBA
Join us for our annual bar-b-que and final planning session before our pond & garden tour.
Saturday, July 19th, 9a-4p
19th Annual ‘Plants, Ponds, Paradise’ Tour
Saturday, August 23rd
Road trip to Lauritzen Gardens, Omaha
Much more information to come.
Monday, September 15th, 7p-9p
Location: TBA
Monday, October 20th, 7p-9p
Location: TBA
Monday, November 17th, 6:30p
Our Holiday Dinner
Location: TBA