About Us

Central Iowa Water Garden Association

The Central Iowa Water Garden Association is a voluntary organization whose members are committed to expanding their individual and collective knowledge on gardening, water gardens, and water related topics. We officially formed in January of 2001 in Ames and are now located in the Des Moines Metro area. Our membership has waxed and waned over the years but we continue to share a common interest – the lure of adding to or improving our gardens, water gardens, fountains, and ponds. The Association’s only goal is to provide the foundation necessary to achieve this common interest.

A variety of activities are enjoyed by our members during the year. These activities include speakers, plant and fish exchanges, demonstrations, potlucks, club projects, and field trips. Our annual garden and pond tour is held the third saturday in July.


President: Anita Campbell

Vice President: Nancy Milton

Secretary: Chris Hammerand

Treasurer: Judy Anderson

Webmaster: Marge Drahaus